For sustainable
it is necessary to build a culture
that encourages creative and
continuous learning, and to
ensure that all employees
internalize this culture.
For us, innovation is the embodiment of human creativity and discovery, both as an art and as a science. We believe that innovation, like art, can only thrive in the right environment. We know the importance of having a culture where creative ideas can emerge and turn into new products, and it is not easy to create this culture. For sustainable innovation, it is necessary to build a culture that encourages creative and continuous learning, and to ensure that all employees internalize this culture. Because we know that new perspectives and ideas that drive innovation always come from learning something new. Thanks to this culture we have developed as TIT Innovation, we are expanding the scope, capacity and quality of innovation.
“Bold ideas are like forward chess pieces;
they can be beaten but can start a winning
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
We always give our employees
freedom and courage to fail.
In this way, we believe that
we will be more successful
than companies that
try to deter failure.

Known as the innovation center of the world, Silicon Valley's greatest strength comes from failure. Every year, thousands of innovation initiatives are recorded, and each failed product or initiative takes its place as a lesson stored in the collective memory. Statistically, innovation management has a very low success rate. The best way to start learning about innovation is to always actually do it. Companies that were once considered “too big to fail” are increasingly prone to failure because they cannot tolerate failure.
Therefore, one of the strengths of our TIT Innovation culture is being open to taking risks. When trying to eliminate business risks, companies sometimes push internal standards too far, causing bureaucracy and stifling innovation. If you want to innovate, you have to take the risk. We give our employees the freedom and courage to fail and constantly encourage learning in this way. Because our employees know that they can fail without jeopardizing their careers, they may be more willing to present breakthrough innovation projects with great potential. In this way, we believe that we will be more successful than companies that try to deter failure.
Another strength of our TIT Innovation culture is diversity. We know that an environment where everyone prefers to agree with each other does not bode well for innovation. In the idea generation stage, a wider range of ideas contributes more to creativity. Therefore, strategically, we believe in diversity and invest in diversity at every stage, from established collaborations (universities-research institutes-NGOs) to recruitment, management, working environment and business processes.