We are also at Teknofest 2020
We have shared our innovative projects about all our existing and planned investments in production activities with our company Tit Innovation, which operates within the Haskan Group of Companies.
Tit Innovation, our new company affiliated to Haskan Group of Companies, which we are proud to host as a city and which is born of our spirit of innovation, has taken our place at Teknofest, where the whole world is talking about. We share our innovative projects related to all our existing and planned investments in which we are engaged in production activities. This is the case of Haluk Bayraktar and Mr. Fatih Kaçır expressed his gratitude for the contribution we have made to Turkey's economic and technological development moves.
We are preparing for a much stronger Turkey and a much stronger future together with a greater motivation to continue working tirelessly in memory of this historic day. Setup. Our member is Mr. Zahra Unal, TIT Innovation Co-Founder Mr. Mustafa Dağlı, Mr. Our Governor David Rose and Mr. This is the case of Haluk Bayraktar and Mr. Fatih and Kair took a souvenir photo together.